Open Positions

We welcome provocative thinkers and courageous doers to sail with us. 

8C01 Laboratory has a fairly diverse and rich research atmosphere, and we help students who show strong academic/engineering intention to identify their value and niche in various disciplines.

In addition to the positions shown here, be sure to inquire Purine at the form below for more listings.

  1. 有興趣加入實驗室研究行列的學,碩士級研究助理及博士後研究員,請將履歷 (含推薦人資訊)寄至
  2. 想了解研究環境與有興趣加入中研院神經科學與細胞分子工程實驗室的大學生,歡迎申請: 1)中研院分生所的大專生暑期培育計畫,或 2)中研院神經科學計畫暑期大專生實習
  3. 有志攻讀神經科學與細胞分子工程相關之碩,博班學位,可經由: 1) 中研院-台大-陽明-成大 聯合神經科學國際學生學程 (NPAS-INS),2) 中研院的分子細胞台灣國際學生學程, 或 3) 國防生科所碩,博士班(免筆試之甄試)入學學程 三種管道申請。希望加入實驗室的學生,請先勇敢來信( 詢問或預約參訪實驗室,了解你/妳的未來!



(1) Full-time multi-year position as a Research Assistant starting Spring 2018.  This is a 12-month appointment with the possibility of extension for more years.

(2) Internship program in collaboration with OmniBPM Inc. for students with strong CS, physics, and/or chemistry background. (some experience in C++ or other programming languages, as well as with R, MATLAB, Python or similar scripting language is required)

(3) Full-time multi-year position as a Post-doc Fellow starting Summer 2018.