

Pei-Lin Cheng @ IMB, Academia Sinica



A recap of Lab 8C01 in 2020, things that get us smiling all through the year

2020 has been a tough year for many people; Let’s share some 8C01 joyful moments and accomplishment in 2020 before turning to the next page.

What motivates us: the JCB Editorial Board selected our paper_proteasome dislocation causes NKCC1 accumulation at the AIS to the The Year in Cell Biology:2020 collection, highlighting 10 of the most exceptional papers published over the past year in JCB.

 the collection offers a glimpse of the findings that most captivated cell biologists 

What energizes us: we are lucky enough to live in Taiwan, where just marked 250th consecutive day without a locally transmitted case of the covid. Yes~~ Travel is Safe and Okay here! We held our Spring lab outing in South Taiwan_the cultural captial Tainan, and  Summer outing to Eastern Taiwan_Taroko and Hualien ~~~

–Spring Lab Outing (Tainan)~

–Summer Lab outing (HuaLien)~

The lab has visited Tainan and Hualien for the second times, never tire of the food, the Ocean , and the mountains.

What makes us smile: We met a brilliant Summer Intern Chia-Heng, and our Fin is turning 3!

All right, Life goes on~~

2019 Lab Outing to 桃源谷大草原

在鐵軌上的十份天燈 有臺灣人的浪漫 Endeavor to be faithful !

We say goodbye to the awesome 2019 and welcome the 2020 from the North Coast of Taiwan.

It has been a great 2018 Summer time

We spend this Summer, which was a very enjoyable two-months,  with three summer interns Yen-Bing, Hsueh-Yen, and Steven. They came from different colleges and research backgrounds, and our instructors guided them through the experiments. Yen-Bing (instructor: Mindy) cloned several molecular indicators for studying neuronal membrane properties, Hsueh-Yen (instructor: Chen Chen) successfully repeated in vivo interaction assays for a brain-specific phosphorylated paxillin, and Steven (instructor: Vy) handed on the neuron-oligodendrocyte co-culture platform.  They all left us with a great impression. Let’s keep rolling and stay on top of research~~

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2016 8C01 Summer Outing to Eastern Taiwan

『年輕時,要盡情享受夏季的濕熱!』  每當碎嘴著 “台灣的氣候如果是乾燥的,那就完美了“時,我就會想起那年夏天偷偷回台灣度假,放手讓南台灣的午後雷陣雨淋了全身濕的暢快。雨,就是要像大顆珍珠般打在頭上才夠味,才會讓人想念! 而2016年的實驗室夏季出遊,從行前很順利的訂到蘭嶼民宿和來回機票,到因為多變的颱風狂風大雨,計畫歪掉,讓Adam得臨危救援改帶我們留在台東花蓮進行深度旅行。 “長途旅行哪會不臭臉,就看誰的點先被搓到而已~” ,於是大家趕快租車,趕快訂旅館,趕快預約晚餐的餐廳….因為老師對於一秒前廣播說要登機了,下一秒雨就ㄆㄧㄚ的灑下來,飛機飛不出去這件事,整個臉已經臭掉了@@。



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IMB Retreat#2016#大板根



The annual IMB retreat aims to promote scientific exchanges and social interactions among faculties, post-docs, students and technicians affiliated with IMB.—IMB Academia Sinica

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Protected: Poll: Lets choose where to visit in Taitung~

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