

Pei-Lin Cheng @ IMB, Academia Sinica



Our work demonstrating “how a tissue-like soft environment transforms the structural mechanics of axonal growth cone to be a battering ram” has been published in Cell Reports~

Award-winner Zhu, first author Chen Chen, and we celebrate the good time in a steak house. Kai, Li-yuan, and Chih-Yu are our 2022 Summer Interns~~

We found that growth cones of 0.1 kPa neurons exhibit a highly coordinated T-zone activity, a mechanism distinct from the one observed on conventional glass coverslips.

我們利用水膠平台系統,解開當神經軸突的生長錐生長在軟組織環境中時,如何變身成為Cajal眼中有助於長軸突前進/施力的攻城錘(battering ram) 型態。
Cell Reports full text全文傳送門–>

Congratulation to our Super Junior~GuanZhu~to win First Place at the 62th National Primary&High School Science Fair

Zhu is the youngest member of 8C01; joined 8C01 at the end of the Year 2020 when he was a high school freshman (10 grade). Ever since then, we have watched his growth, his persistence, and development of tasks/sense of good science every day. It’s always a joy to work with young talents like Zhu. We are proud of him! Congratulation, Zhu, Keep up with the excellent work ~~

2022 Lab Spring Outing to Yoro (養老)Trail

“想走走養老步道~ 想大口呼吸新鮮空氣~”
四月春天的Lab outing, 是這幾年來,走最多路程的兩天。我們先到新竹同步輻射中心參訪,新的beamlines在解析蛋白或物質結構上有更多的面向可以嘗試,較具動態的結構還是AlaphFold一時半刻無法確切預測出來(這句話很有可能明天就會被推翻XD)。下午我們前往綠世界看慵懶躺平的動物們(同時也有大蟒蛇生吞可愛小動物兔子的餵食秀@@)。中午在城隍廟口吃小吃,晚餐到北埔鄉廟前吃客家菜,然後夜宿竹東五指山上有滿滿螢火蟲的民宿。

隔日的目的地是尖石鄉的養老步道,亦是在無收訊的深山中,由於山中道路養護未完成,有幾段尚未鋪好柏油,路況有點糟糕。午餐在可以看到開闊山景的以娜的店恢復了些元氣,向右是前往上帝的部落司馬庫斯,向左是前往霞喀羅古道(養老段),都是泰雅族部落。我們只走了養老步道約莫1/4的路徑,有木橋,有像日本嵐山的竹林,有小瀑布,有遺跡,沒有其他人XD 回程山中起了大霧,考驗開車技術,只能緩緩沿著兩三公尺內唯一可見的邊線前行,但Purine終究把大家安全送下山,回到台北後昏睡了兩天。新竹的山區部落平時不易造訪,來回都是個兩小時左右的山路,天氣好時,真的很迷人,是仙境。

A recap of Lab 8C01 in 2020, things that get us smiling all through the year

2020 has been a tough year for many people; Let’s share some 8C01 joyful moments and accomplishment in 2020 before turning to the next page.

What motivates us: the JCB Editorial Board selected our paper_proteasome dislocation causes NKCC1 accumulation at the AIS to the The Year in Cell Biology:2020 collection, highlighting 10 of the most exceptional papers published over the past year in JCB.

 the collection offers a glimpse of the findings that most captivated cell biologists 

What energizes us: we are lucky enough to live in Taiwan, where just marked 250th consecutive day without a locally transmitted case of the covid. Yes~~ Travel is Safe and Okay here! We held our Spring lab outing in South Taiwan_the cultural captial Tainan, and  Summer outing to Eastern Taiwan_Taroko and Hualien ~~~

–Spring Lab Outing (Tainan)~

–Summer Lab outing (HuaLien)~

The lab has visited Tainan and Hualien for the second times, never tire of the food, the Ocean , and the mountains.

What makes us smile: We met a brilliant Summer Intern Chia-Heng, and our Fin is turning 3!

All right, Life goes on~~

Our work on how young neurons fine-tune the timing of GABA polarity switch has been published in JCB~

我們針對GABA由興奮性轉變成抑制性的關鍵時刻,用proteasome 與 Ecm29相關分子機制把神經細胞的特化結構,分子運輸,離子濃度,與電活性一環一環的扣在一起。真的是沒有極限!全文在這裡~

And the JCB journal is now highlighting our story. <—-沒耐心看完全文的,這裡有Dr. Christophe Leterrier 為這篇paper寫的懶人包呦~

2019_Academia Sinica Open House(中研院院區開放)之record breaking 220,000 ppl.

今年中研院院區開放日在十月27日(Oct. 27)。 “據說”是個很傷聲帶的活動,“聽說”很多研究學者小時候都曾利用這個機會來中研院接受一下科學之神的指引。這也是 8C01第一次受所上徵招參與這個盛會,一定要記錄一下的。由於當日,Purine還在從芝加哥回來的飛機上,陳蓁參加朋友的婚禮,宜彬有事無法支援,我們趕緊邀約當年最靠譜實習生學彥回來幫忙。 陳蓁製作小鼠腦切片投影,彥呈找了馬力歐影片解釋神經網絡如何運作,書揚準備了培養皿裡的海馬迴神經元展示神經細胞型態,Mindy製作海報與闖關印章。

結果當日是個record breaking “22萬人次”訪中研院破紀錄的空前盛況啊!大家以為每年在美國舉行的神經科學年會(sfn)已經算是像大拜拜般的人山人海了嗎,但那“也不過”就是個兩三萬多人的會議啊!嗯哼~ Mindy與彥呈表示這輩子還沒講這麼多話過,隔天除了已經燒蝦之外,真的暫時不想再講話了XDDDD.

我相信他們內心是相當滿足的,雖然一般民眾對腦神經科學的好奇與疑問與我們研究的嚴謹課題有點距離,但能將自己微薄的一點知識傳遞出去,是一件很值得驕傲的事呦 ~

Our very first EM images from the brain-mimicking platform!!!

Thanks to our image core!
It’s turning out wayyyyyyy better than we imagined it would be. Look how many structures and organelles you can identify there. Yes! There’re synaptic clefts, mitochondria, microtubule bundules, and~~~~~Myelin Sheaths! ~Beautiful~

2019 The Academia Sinica Research Award for Junior Research Investigators

Summer is here and Congrats to Purine for winning The Academia Sinica Research Award for Junior Research Investigators~

We can do more and you are not alone! Here is a link of a local support community for families of children with brain cancer, epilepsy, or developmental disabilities ( )

Yi-Bing and his painting that impressed everyone~

Current progress of a group of young neuroscientist in Taiwan …Everyone is welcome to attend (Jan 15, 2019)~

NCIT symposium Poster design

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