

Pei-Lin Cheng @ IMB, Academia Sinica



Our work demonstrating “how a tissue-like soft environment transforms the structural mechanics of axonal growth cone to be a battering ram” has been published in Cell Reports~

Award-winner Zhu, first author Chen Chen, and we celebrate the good time in a steak house. Kai, Li-yuan, and Chih-Yu are our 2022 Summer Interns~~

We found that growth cones of 0.1 kPa neurons exhibit a highly coordinated T-zone activity, a mechanism distinct from the one observed on conventional glass coverslips.

我們利用水膠平台系統,解開當神經軸突的生長錐生長在軟組織環境中時,如何變身成為Cajal眼中有助於長軸突前進/施力的攻城錘(battering ram) 型態。
Cell Reports full text全文傳送門–>

Congratulation to our Super Junior~GuanZhu~to win First Place at the 62th National Primary&High School Science Fair

Zhu is the youngest member of 8C01; joined 8C01 at the end of the Year 2020 when he was a high school freshman (10 grade). Ever since then, we have watched his growth, his persistence, and development of tasks/sense of good science every day. It’s always a joy to work with young talents like Zhu. We are proud of him! Congratulation, Zhu, Keep up with the excellent work ~~

2019 The Academia Sinica Research Award for Junior Research Investigators

Summer is here and Congrats to Purine for winning The Academia Sinica Research Award for Junior Research Investigators~

We can do more and you are not alone! Here is a link of a local support community for families of children with brain cancer, epilepsy, or developmental disabilities ( )

Yi-Bing and his painting that impressed everyone~

Congrats to Mindy on taking home the 1st runner-up trophy of the 2018 TSBMN research presentation competition~~

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Congrats on a roll~

1) Research assistants- Ting-Ya, Hannah, and Pon will start their grad school at BU BME, UW-Madison CS, and NTU Psychology !

2) Master student- Chen Chen wins the 2017 best M.S. Thesis Award of NYMU !!

3) Our project on “Substrate Stiffness-dependent Profiles of Membrane Endocytosis in Proper Neurite Formation” receives a big MoST Grant Support!!!

Well done~ Everyone~  Many congratulations!

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Congratulations on winning an award! 



Award of Excellent Poster Presentation@YMU                                 

“Today is a wonderful day”, said by Chen Chen. Continue reading “Congratulations on winning an award! “

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